Thursday, February 23, 2012

Philip and fact families

Philip is quite the kid. He is 7.5 years old now, and simply amazes me everyday. In the car on the way to school, I work to teach the kids memorization. They have learned several memory verses, phone numbers and our address this way. Philip has been having a little trouble with subtraction. Noticing this trouble, I began feeling I was failing my son. After all, I have a B.S. in Math. So, I was telling him if 2+3=5, then 5-3=2; aka fact families. I know they've worked on fact families before, but filling in the blank is different than understanding the concept. So, I gave him several groups, and he just didn't get it. I kept telling him, "Philip, I am telling you the answer." All of the sudden, he got it! He was so proud of himself. I am amazed at the look on his face and excitement over small things. Where has that gone in our lives?

1 comment:

  1. James had to literally have that amount of items and we had to use the "take-away" word to help him understand. He would say "5 what?" So we'd say draw 5 apples, then take away 2 and you will have 3 left. Then we charted it out beside so he got the correlation. He had to have the items to count. I'm so glad that Philip's catching on (I'm not so crazy about math myself but it's like a mystery and very challenging to me, too).
